Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Un-Glamorous Phone Bill!!!!!

OMG! I think this months phone bill is going to be officially the worst one I've had in 14 months of having my mobile phone contract! So's less than half way through the month I run out of my texts than like, two days later me minutes are gone! I cannae understand how! Anywhoo's me being me has still been using the phone, totally oblivious to the major bill which has been building up. I checked my phone usage since my last bill online just now and the unbilled usage balance is already over £30 and... I've still got some time to go before my minutes are renewed!!! Whyyyy?!?!?!?!? How the fuck do I intend to pay this bill, I have zero cash and no source of income besides my student loan which isn't due til the end of April. What on earth was I thinking?!?! By the time the bill is generated it's gonna be at well over £60! WTF! My bill is suppose to be £25, max I will pay is £40, what the hell is going on. And on top of this I still have that £50 fine from London Transport pending! Arrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!! Why the fuck is everyone against me? My bank won't give me an overdraft, London Transport are demanding £50 from me for their ill-advice, Orange charge a bomb for calls made outside of their price plan (£1 for 4 minutes!), I'm indebted to the government all because I felt the need to do a degree which I now consider superfluous. It's all too deep! I need a holidayyyy!!!!!!!!!

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